Board Meeting - January 28, 2025
Primary tabs
of the Metuchen Board of Education
Metuchen High School
400 Grove Avenue
Metuchen, NJ 08840
Call to Order
Flag Salute
Notice of Meeting
I hereby make this statement to indicate compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act known as Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of New Jersey, 1975, which became effective 90 days after enactment, January 19, 1976.
Notice of this meeting was given by providing the location, time and date of this meeting, and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices, by delivering copies to the Borough Hall and the Metuchen Public Library, The Home News and Tribune, The Star Ledger, and by filing a copy with the Borough Clerk as prescribed by this law.
Roll Call
Showcase of Success
❖ Edgar School Musical
The Edgar Middle School Drama Club proudly presents Finding Nemo Junior, a musical adaptation of the 2003 Pixar film. Join us at Metuchen High School on January 31st and February 1st at 7:00pm and February 2nd at 2:00pm. Marlin, an anxious and over-protective clownfish, lives in the Great Barrier Reef with his kid Nemo, who longs to explore the world beyond their anemone home. But when Nemo is captured and taken to Sydney, Marlin faces his fears and sets off on an epic adventure across the ocean. With the help of lovable characters such as optimistic Dory, laid-back sea turtle Crush, and the supportive Tank Gang, Marlin and Nemo both overcome challenges on their journey to find each other and themselves. Tonight, Karen Blevins and Emory Gordon will preview our show with a performance of “Just Keep Swimming”.
❖ GEOY and ESP Recipients
Moss - Jennifer Korpon and Pam Malone
Campbell - Jennfier Pasquale and Amrita Bindra
Edgar - Caroline Forde and Mary Jo Paulmenn
Metuchen High School - Ann Leghorn-Orapallo and Christina Theiss
Meeting Open to the Public (for any topic)
President’s Report
Superintendent's Report
Committee Reports
Student Board Member Report
Old Business
New Business
Approval of Minutes of the Board of Education Meetings
Meeting Open to the Public (for any topic)
Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools
(at this time the Board will take formal action on the following items – see attachments)
Oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote. Before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting, the administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the Superintendent of Schools. If the Superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education, it is then referred to the appropriate board committee. The members of the board committee work with administration and the Superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter. When the committee is satisfied with the matter, it is presented to the Board of Education for discussion before any final action is taken. Only then, is it placed on the agenda for action at a public meeting.
Motion/Second/Comments/Roll Call
Retirement - Paraprofessional
Move to accept, with regret, the retirement of Hope Serratelli, Paraprofessional at Campbell Elementary School, effective July 1, 2025.
Resignation - Certificated Staff
Move to accept the resignation of Tomasz Sobieniak, Math Teacher at Metuchen High School, effective March 10, 2025, or earlier if a replacement is found.
Leave of Absence - Paraprofessional
Move to approve the leave of absence of Abeera Faizan, Paraprofessional at Campbell School, effective approximately May 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025.
Salary Adjustment - Certificated Staff
Move to approve a change in base salary for Jennifer Korpon, PE and Dance Teacher at Moss School, from Step 1D, $35,505/year (.6 teacher), to Step 2D, $36,392/year (.6 teacher), as a result of her earning 30 credits beyond her Bachelor's Degree (Bachelor's +30), effective February 1, 2025.
Appointment - Leave Replacement
Move to approve the appointment of Lisa Lombardi, Leave Replacement for Alexis Wolford, Special Education Teacher at Edgar Middle School, effective approximately January 22, 2025 through approximately June 10, 2025, at a rate of $311.76/day.
Appointment - Leave Replacement
Move to approve the appointment of Marjorie Rosenberg, Leave Replacement for Michele Gouveia, Special Education Teacher at Edgar School, effective approximately January 27, 2025 through approximately March 26, 2025, at a rate of $311.76/day.
Leave of Absence - Extension
Move to extend the leave of absence of Gayathri Karthik, Paraprofessional at Moss School, through approximately January 31, 2025 (Agenda 1/7/25, Section 13, A11).
8. Appointment – Additional Event Staff
Move to approve the following additional Event Staff for the 2024-2025 school year, effective January 28, 2025 (Agenda 8/8/23, Section 13 A10):
9. Appointment- Substitute Custodian
Move to approve the appointment of Veronica Acosta, Substitute Custodian for Metuchen Public Schools, at a rate of $16/hour, effective January 29, 2025, pending criminal history clearance.
10. Leave of Absence - Extension
Move to extend the leave of absence of Michele Brinkerhoff, School Nurse at Metuchen High School, through approximately February 11, 2025 (Agenda 11/26/24, Section 13, A2).
11. Leave Replacement - Updated Start Date
Move to approve the updated start date of Dejamarie Rodriguez, Leave Replacement for Lauren Campbell, School Counselor at Edgar Middle School, effective January 30, 2025 through approximately June 10, 2025 (Agenda 11/26/24, Section 13, A15).
12. Appointment - Metuchen High School Volunteer Advisors
Move to approve the following Metuchen High School volunteer advisors for the 2024-2025 school year as listed (Agenda 5/28/2024, Section 13, A5):
13. Clubs and Co-Curricular Activities
Move to approve the following club for the 2024-2025 school year as listed:
14. Appointment of Substitutes
Move to approve the appointment of substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year as listed on the chart below, effective January 16, 2025, pending completion of substitute training and criminal history clearance:
15. Informal Mentors
Move to approve the following staff to serve as informal mentors for the 2024-2025 school year, effective January 16, 2025, to be paid at a rate of $50/hour, not to exceed 6 hours:
16. Staff and Parent Academy Workshops
Move to approve the following staff members to provide staff professional development and parent academy workshops on Artificial Intelligence, at a rate of $50/hour, including planning:
17. Leave Replacement Extension
Move to extend the appointment of Sue Fackler, leave replacement for Michele Brinkerhoff, School Nurse at Metuchen High School, through approximately February 11, 2025 (Agenda 12/10/24, Section 13 A14).
18. Leave of Absence Extension
Move to extend the leave of absence of Marian Sharkawy, Paraprofessional at Edgar School, through June 30, 2025 (Agenda 10/15/24, Section 13 A17).
19. Updated Job Description - Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Move to approve the updated job description of the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) for Metuchen Public Schools, as stated on the attachment.
20. Leave of Absence Extension - Administrative Assistant
Move to approve the extension of the leave of absence of Deborah Finden, Administrative Assistant to the Business Administrator, through approximately March 31, 2025 (Agenda 8/27/24, Section 13 A28 and Agenda 11/26/24, Section 13 A16).
----------------------------end of personnel section--------------------------
Motion/Second/Comments/Roll Call
Treasurer of School Monies and Board Secretary’s Reports
Move to approve the Treasurer of School Monies’ Report, and Board Secretary’s Report as of November 30, 2024.
2. Payment of Bills
a) Board Secretary’s Certification
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10(d), the Board Secretary has certified that as of January 28, 2025 no budgetary line item accounts have obligations and payments which exceed the amount appropriated by the Board of Education.
________________________________________ _______________
Michael A. Harvier, Board Secretary Date
b) Approve the Following Items Submitted by the Board Secretary
Payment of bills and claims, as shown on the attached list(s) that have been certified by the Board of Education and filed in the Business Office.
3. Nonpublic Security Aid
Move to approve the following nonpublic security aid for the 2024-2025 school year. These expenditures are required for the district to fulfill certain legal obligations under state legislation to administer federal or state funds provided to nonpublic schools within our jurisdiction:
4. Change Order M&M Construction and Athletic Field of America
Move to approve the change order as listed below:
5. Professional Development
Move to approve the following professional development activities as shown on the following chart:
6. Independent ABA Services
Move to approve The Special Education Teacher, a franchisee of Hi5ABA, as a provider of independent BCBA services at a rate of $115/hour for the 2024-2025 school year not to exceed $75,000.
7. Technology Equipment Purchase
Move to approve the purchase of 45 SMART Boards for newly constructed classrooms and other instructional spaces for $214,035. Vendor is CDW Government. Contract: Educational Services Commission of New Jersey (ESCNJ/AEPA-22G).
----------------------------end of finance section--------------------------
Motion/Second/Comments/Roll Call
The Board hereby acknowledges receipt of the suspension report summary for January 6, 2025 - January 24, 2025.
2. Second Reading of Policy
Move to approve the second reading of the following policy:
P 2365 Acceptable Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
3. NJ DOE Equivalency Application
Move to approve the submission of the New Jersey Department of Education Equivalency Application for the New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC) for the 2024-2025 school year.
4. Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Move to affirm the findings of the previously reported cases:
5. School Calendar
Move to approve the district calendar for the 2025-2026 school year.
----------------------------end of policy section--------------------------
Motion/Second/Comments/Roll Call
1. Field Trips
Move to approve the following field trips for students in the Metuchen School District as shown:
2. Leadership Internship
Move to approve Julie Youngman and Molly Yelencsics to complete their Educational Leadership Internship in association with William Paterson University effective March 24, 2025 through July 6, 2025, with principal Ed Porowski as their site-based mentor.
3. Professional Development - Rescind
Move to rescind Magnolia Consulting Group to provide professional development for I&RS and 504 teams on tiered interventions and supports, not to exceed $5,600 (Agenda 11/12/24, Section 13, D3).
4. Professional Development - Rescind
Move to rescind Magnolia Consulting Group to provide professional development for Special Education teachers for the 2024-2025 school year on behavior strategies and interventions, not to exceed $5,600 (IDEA grant funded) (Agenda 11/26/2024, Section 13, B7).
5. Professional Development
Move to approve F Jones Consulting & Team, LLC DBA Magnolia Consulting Group to provide professional development for I&RS and 504 teams on tiered interventions and supports, for the 2024-2025 school year, not to exceed $5,600.
6. Professional Development
Move to approve F Jones Consulting & Team, LLC DBA Magnolia Consulting Group to provide professional development for Special Education teachers for the 2024-2025 school year on behavior strategies and interventions, not to exceed $5,600 (IDEA grant funded) (Agenda 11/26/2024, Section 13, B7).
7. Curriculum Guides
Move to approve the implementation of the following revised curriculum guides:
8. ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Grant 2024-2025
Move to approve the district’s ESSA Grant Carryover funds for 2024-2025 school year to accept the allocations and intended use as per the application.
9. Professional Development Title IV
Move to approve teachers from St. Francis Cathedral School to attend the 2025 National Symposium education conference, using ESEA Title IIA Non-Funds not to exceed $4,229.
----------------------------end of curriculum section--------------------------
Meeting Open to Public (for any topic)
Motion to Go Into Executive Session (when applicable)
Resolution to Close Meeting
BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the Sunshine Act, N.J.S. 10:4-12 and 13, that the Board of Education will now meet in executive session to discuss _____________________________________ and that matters discussed will be disclosed to the public as soon as the reason for confidentiality no longer exist.