Board Meeting - February 11, 2025
Primary tabs
of the Metuchen Board of Education
Metuchen High School
400 Grove Avenue
Metuchen, NJ 08840
Call to Order
Flag Salute
Notice of Meeting
I hereby make this statement to indicate compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act known as Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of New Jersey, 1975, which became effective 90 days after enactment, January 19, 1976.
Notice of this meeting was given by providing the location, time and date of this meeting, and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices, by delivering copies to the Borough Hall and the Metuchen Public Library, The Home News and Tribune, and by filing a copy with the Borough Clerk as prescribed by this law.
Roll Call
Showcase of Success
Meeting Open to the Public (for any topic)
❖ Review of Baseline Data, Maintenance and Custodial, Transportation - Mr. Harvier
❖ HIB and SSDS Report - Q1 September 2024-December 2024
President’s Report
Superintendent's Report
Committee Reports
Student Board Member Report
Old Business
New Business
Approval of Minutes of the Board of Education Meetings
Meeting Open to the Public (for any topic)
Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools
(at this time the Board will take formal action on the following items – see attachments)
Oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote. Before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting, the administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the Superintendent of Schools. If the Superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education, it is then referred to the appropriate board committee. The members of the board committee work with administration and the Superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter. When the committee is satisfied with the matter, it is presented to the Board of Education for discussion before any final action is taken. Only then, is it placed on the agenda for action at a public meeting.
Motion/Second/Comments/Roll Call
Leave of Absence - Certificated Staff
Move to approve the leave of absence of Emily Presuto, 5th Grade Teacher at Edgar School, effective approximately June 6, 2025 through approximately December 4, 2025.
Appointment - Certificated Staff
Move to approve the appointment of Emily Almeida, Special Education Teacher at Moss School, for the 2025-2026 school year, at a salary of $61,000/year, Step 1A, effective August 27, 2025, pending receipt of NJ certification, through June 30, 2026.
Leave of Absence - Certificated Staff
Move to approve the leave of absence of Samantha Palermo, Student Assistance Counselor for Metuchen Public Schools, effective approximately May 2, 2025 through approximately December 4, 2025.
Leave of Absence - Certificated Staff
Move to approve the leave of absence of Christina Risitano, Special Education Teacher at Edgar School, effective approximately April 25, 2025 through approximately December 4, 2025.
5. Retirement- Certificated Staff
Move to accept, with regret, the retirement of Robert Strauss, Campbell School Teacher, effective June 30, 2025.
6. Salary Adjustment – Custodial Longevity
Move to approve a change in total salary for Jonathan Alijewicz, Custodian, from $51,293/year to $51,539/year as a result of completing 20 years of service, effective March 1, 2025.
7. Special Education Substitute
Move to approve the following Child Study Team/School Speech Language Pathology substitute at the professional rate of $50/hour:
8. Appointment - Certificated Staff
Move to approve the appointment of Danielle Pallotta, Kindergarten Teacher at Moss School, for the 2025-2026 school year, at a salary of $64,050/year, Step 3A, effective August 27, 2025 through June 30, 2026.
9. Appointment - Certificated Staff
Move to approve the appointment of Jessica Sorrenti, Kindergarten Teacher at Moss School, for the 2025-2026 school year, at a salary of $65,625/year, Step 3E, effective August 27, 2025, through June 30, 2026.
10. Leave of Absence - Paraprofessional
Move to approve the leave of absence of Tina Huber, Paraprofessional at Moss School, effective February 3, 2025 through approximately February 14, 2025.
11. Appointment - Certificated Staff
Move to approve the appointment of Ryan Krum, Kindergarten Teacher at Moss School, for the 2025-2026 school year, at a salary of $61,000/year, Step 1A, effective August 27, 2025 through June 30, 2026.
12. Appointment – Additional Event Staff
Move to approve the following additional Event Staff for the 2024-2025 school year, effective January 28, 2025 (Agenda 8/8/23, Section 13, A10):
13. Appointment of Substitutes
Move to approve the appointment of substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year as listed on the chart below, effective February 10, 2025, pending completion of substitute training and criminal history clearance:
14. Appointment – Additional Lunch Aide
Move to approve the following additional lunch aide in the Metuchen Public Schools for the 2024-2025 school year, effective February 12, 2025, pending criminal history clearance:
15. Leave of Absence - Extension
Move to extend the leave of absence of Michele Brinkerhoff, School Nurse at Metuchen High School, through approximately May 7, 2025 (Agenda 1/28/25, Section 13, A10).
16. Leave Replacement Extension
Move to extend the appointment of Sue Fackler, leave replacement for Michele Brinkerhoff, School Nurse at Metuchen High School, through approximately May 7, 2025 (Agenda 1/28/25, Section 13, A17).
17. Retirement - Certificated Staff
Move to accept, with regret, the retirement of Jeanne Hughes, Edgar School Special Education Teacher, effective June 30, 2025.
18. Edgar Spring Coaches
Move to rescind and approve the appointments of the following coaches for the Spring 2024-2025 school sports session at Edgar School: (Agenda 5/28/24, Section 13, A5):
----------------------------end of personnel section--------------------------
Motion/Second/Comments/Roll Call
1. Settlement Agreement
Move to approve the settlement agreement for Student #2028029.
2. Professional Development
Move to approve the following professional development activities as shown on the following chart:
3. Acceptance of the 2023-2024 School Year Audit
Move to accept the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), the accompanying Report to Management, and the synopsis prepared by the Superintendent, the Business Administrator, and Suplee, Clooney & Company, with no corrective action necessary for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2024.
4. Resolution
WHEREAS, the Metuchen Board of Education (“Board”) requires the services of a vendor to provide online auction services to sell the Board’s personal property which is no longer needed (“Services”); and
WHEREAS, GovDeals, an online auction provider, has a contract (012821-GDI) through the Sourcewell Cooperative to provide the Services; and
WHEREAS, the cost of the contract is anticipated to be below the Board’s bid threshold; and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined it is in its best interests to award a contract for the Services to GovDeals through the Sourcewell Cooperative.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby awards a contract for the Services to GovDeals in accordance with the terms and conditions of GovDeals’ Sourcewell contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Business Administrator is authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate the purposes of this resolution.
5. Out of District Placement
Move to approve the placement of Student #2028029 at Cornerstone Day School for the 2024-2025 school year, at the dailey rate of $472.75 with a pro-rated annual tuition of $41,602, effective approximately February 12, 2025.
6. Network Equipment
Move to approve the expenditure of $84,432.59 to Questivity to Erate for Network Equipment.
7. Equipment Disposal
Move to approve the disposal of obsolete equipment on the attachment.
8. Payment of Bills
a) Board Secretary’s Certification
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10(d), the Board Secretary has certified that as of February 11, 2025 no budgetary line item accounts have obligations and payments which exceed the amount appropriated by the Board of Education.
________________________________________ _______________
Michael A. Harvier, Board Secretary Date
----------------------------end of finance section--------------------------
Motion/Second/Comments/Roll Call
The Board hereby acknowledges receipt of the suspension report summary for January 27, 2025 - February 7, 2025.
2. Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Move to affirm the findings of the previously reported case.
----------------------------end of policy section--------------------------
Motion/Second/Comments/Roll Call
1. Field Trips
Move to approve the following field trips for students in the Metuchen School District as shown:
2. Leadership Intern
Move to approve Jennifer Pasquale to complete internship requirements for the William Paterson University, Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant Endorsement Program at Campbell School, with Dr. Karla Riera as her site-based mentor for the 2024-2025 school year.
3. Professional Development 2024-2025
Move to approve Living YES, LLC to provide Professional Development for Social Emotional Learning SEL for the 2024-2025 school year, not to exceed $1,800/year.
4. Student Observer
Move to approve the placement of the following student observer from Rutgers Mason Gross School of the Arts in the Metuchen Public School District for the 2024-2025 school year:
5. Curriculum Guides
Move to approve the implementation of the following revised curriculum guides:
6. Field Experience
Move to approve Dilfuza Latipova to complete a four-hour field experience placement at Campbell School with Erin Santasieri as part of an alternate route program at the Rutgers Graduate School of Education, for the 2024-2025 school year.
----------------------------end of curriculum section--------------------------
Meeting Open to Public (for any topic)
Motion to Go Into Executive Session (when applicable)
Resolution to Close Meeting
BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the Sunshine Act, N.J.S. 10:4-12 and 13, that the Board of Education will now meet in executive session to discuss _____________________________________ and that matters discussed will be disclosed to the public as soon as the reason for confidentiality no longer exist.