Board Meeting - March 27, 2018

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 8:00pm
of the Metuchen Board of Education
Metuchen High School
400 Grove Avenue
Metuchen, NJ  08840
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
8:00 PM

1.    Flag Salute

2.    Notice of Meeting

I hereby make this statement to indicate compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act known as Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of New Jersey, 1975, which became effective 90 days after enactment, January 19, 1976.
Notice of this meeting was given by providing the location, time and date of this meeting, and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices, by delivering copies to the Borough Hall and the Metuchen Public Library, The Home News and Tribune, The Sentinel, The Star Ledger, and by filing a copy with the Borough Clerk as prescribed by this law.

3.    Roll Call

Mr. Benderly
Mr. Manley
Mr. Glassberg
Ms. McGuire
Ms. Killean
Mr. Small
Mr. Lifton
Mr. Suss
Ms. Lunt


4.    Presentation/Discussion Items

  • Showcase of Success
    • Winter Sports Champions
MHS Girls Swimming
White Division Champions
Simone Boucher Lauren Piovoso
Abigail Brooks Macie Schaper
Patricia Dela Cruz Ashima Sharma
Chloe Jacques Megan Shen
Sarah Jeney Kyra Stolarski
Rebecca Jockwer Bridget Thomas
Elizabeth Lackland Natalie Tiu
Frances Lee Lara Vaz
Courtney Little Regina Wilcox
Mary Kate McCunney Sammie Zhu
Arianna Pinto Simie Zhu
Jim Thomas - Girls White Division Coach of the Year
MHS Boys Swimming
White Division Champions
Garrison Chura Daniel Martynovick
Joey DeVizio James McGuire
Daniel Dragan Julian Park
Saahas Hari Jace Ritzdorf
Bram Kaplan Daniel Schleif
Matthew Karlovitch Hruday Shah
Alex Koskoski Arav Sharma
Rafael Lacson Jason Tang
Andrew Lau Chris Whittington
Alex Liu Andrew Whittington
Nicholas Malamug Alan Xia
EMS Undefeated Girls Basketball
Merin Boucher Caitlin O'Leary
Charlotte Breen Amanda Orozco
Zoey Brown Skyler Pearsall
Anna Catalanello Carly Pichalski
Cassidy Connors Claire Schleck
Zoey Kaplan Caitlin Waldron
Sarah Knoll Catherine Xarhoulakos
Molly Malague    
NJSIAA 1600 & 3200 Meter Race Sectional Champion
Nina                           Suss
  • Presentation
    • Review personnel and co-curricular budgets
    • Review of the preliminary budget

5.   Report of the President of the Board of Education

6.   Report of the Superintendent of Schools

7.   Report of the Business Administrator/Board Secretary

8.   Committee Reports

9.   New Business

10. Old Business

11. Minutes

Move to approve the minutes of the following meetings:
March 13, 2018
Special Business Meeting (1)
March 13, 2018
Special Executive Meeting (2)
March 13, 2018
Board Meeting

12. Meeting Open to the Public

(for comment on any Presentation/Discussion items, Reports and New/Old Business)

13. Meeting Open to the Public

(for comment on the recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools)

14. Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

(at this time, the Board will take formal action on the following items – see attachments)
  1. Personnel
  2. Finance
  3. Policy
  4. Curriculum

15. Meeting Open to Public

16. Announcements

17. Motion to Go Into Executive Session

(when applicable)
Resolution to Close Meeting
BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the Sunshine Act, N.J.S. 10:4-12 and 13, that the Board of Education will now meet in executive session to discuss ____________ and that matters discussed will be disclosed to the public as soon as the reason for confidentiality no longer exist.
Groups audience: