Board Meeting - September 8, 2020

Primary tabs

Friday, September 4, 2020 - 10:30am
of the Metuchen Board of Education
Metuchen High School
400 Grove Avenue
Metuchen, NJ  08840

1.Call to Order


2.Flag Salute


3.Notice of Meeting

I hereby make this statement to indicate compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act known as Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of New Jersey, 1975, which became effective 90 days after enactment, January 19, 1976.
Notice of this meeting was given by providing the location, time and date of this meeting, and posting of the same on the front door of the Board of Education offices, by delivering copies to the Borough Hall and the Metuchen Public Library, The Home News and Tribune, The Criterion Sentinel, The Star Ledger, The Metuchen Mirror, and by filing a copy with the Borough Clerk as prescribed by this law.

4.Roll Call

Mr. Benderly
Ms. Killean
Ms. Cook
Mr. Lifton
Mr. Derflinger
Mr. Manley
Mr. Glassberg
Mr. Suss
Dr. Johnson-Marcus


5.Superintendent’s Remarks


6.Meeting Open to the Public (for any topic)


7.Showcase of Success





  1. President’s Report
  2. Business Administrator/Board Secretary’s Report
  3. Committee Reports


10.Old Business

  1. New Business

12.Approval of Minutes of the Board of Education Meetings

Move to approve the minutes of the following meetings:
August 25, 2020
Special Business Meeting (1)
August 25, 2020
Special Executive Meeting (2)
August 25, 2020
Board Meeting
August 25, 2020
Special Executive Meeting (3)

13.Meeting Open to the Public (for any topic)


14.Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

(at this time the Board will take formal action on the following items – see attachments)
Often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote. Before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting, the administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the Superintendent of Schools. If the Superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education, it is then referred to the appropriate board committee. The members of the board committee work with administration and the Superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter. When the committee is satisfied with the matter, it is presented to the Board of Education for discussion before any final action is taken. Only then, is it placed on the agenda for action at a public meeting.
  1. Personnel
  2. Finance
  3. Policy
  4. Curriculum

15.Meeting Open to Public (for any topic)




17.Motion to Go Into Executive Session (when applicable)

Resolution to Close Meeting
BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the Sunshine Act, N.J.S. 10:4-12 and 13, that the Board of Education will now meet in executive session to discuss _____________________________________ and that matters discussed will be disclosed to the public as soon as the reason for confidentiality no longer exist.
  1. Adjournment
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14. Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools
          (at this time the Board will take formal action on the following items)
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  14. Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools
          (at this time the Board will take formal action on the following items)
  1. Internet Service Provider
Move to approve contract agreement with Crown Castle for Internet Service Provider for a period from September 15, 2020 to September 14, 2023 at cost of $4837/month.
  1. OOD Placement
Move to approve the placement of Student # 002020015 at First Children’s School for a daily tuition and extraordinary aide of $531, effective September 9, 2020.
  1. Student Agreement
Move to approve the settlement agreement of Student # 002020015.
­- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end of finance section - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 14. Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools
          (at this time the Board will take formal action on the following items)
  1. POLICY 
  1. Second Reading of Policies and Regulations
Move to approve the second readings of the following policies and regulations:
  1. P 1649               Federal Families First Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Act (FFCRA) (M) 
  2. P 2270              Religion in Schools 
  3. P 2431.3            Heat Participation Policy for Student-Athlete Safety (M) 
  4. P 2622               Student Assessment (M) 
  5. P & R 5111        Eligibility of Resident/Nonresident Students (M)
  6. P & R 5200        Attendance (M)  (Revised)
  7. P & R 5320        Immunization 
  8. P & R 5330.04   Administering an Opioid Antidote (M) 
  9. P 5610               Suspension (M) 
  10. R 5610              Suspension Procedures (M) 
  11. P 5620               Expulsion (M) 
  12. P & R 8320        Personnel Records (M) 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end of policy section - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nothing at this time
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - end of curriculum section - - - - - - - - - -
Groups audience: